Diary - Writing at first

  1. Why do you create the blog website ?
  2. What’s the content you want to add ?
  3. Please list the categories, tags
    1. categories
    2. tags
  4. About everything needed to be included





Chill out

Updated time: 03/27. 2024

Why do you create the blog website ?

To solve the problem that I have many favorites in lots of website, but the content is too disperse to integrate them.

What’s the content you want to add ?

  • The emotional life, private life of me (diary, literary, novel, book … ) (and about my experience in the past life)
  • To develop my English skill (website, resource, improvement)
  • The improvement of scientific research I am in (goal, improvement, difficulty, solve methods, )
  • The theoretical background of Computer science, specially DFT, quantum physics (book, website, wechat, lectures, ppt, blog)
  • The practical experience of software (VASP, Lammps, python, linux bash command) and tools (ASE, vaspkit, p4vasp, pydft, pyqint, Anaconda, any python packages to understanding the second one)
  • The development of my python package, mymetal
  • My idea about future, work, scientific research (from any source, boss, advice)
  • Summary of any important website about my research
  • Other famous people’s blog, official website

Please list the categories, tags


  • Thinking (1)

    • Diary of life
    • Idea
  • English (2)

    • Exotic custom, manners, culture, life
  • Summary (3)

    • Other people blog
      • computational material science (website and source platform)
      • DFT (some useful tips/experience)
    • My blog
    • WeChat
    • Literary
      • Intensive reading
      • Skimming
  • Research (4)

    • The DFT calculation of Au thin film
  • Theory (5)

    • Quantum mechanics
    • VASP software (see Software - VASP - theoretical)
  • Software (6)

    • VASP

      • Commands
      • Special functions
      • Tips
      • Theory
    • Lammps
    • ASE
    • Pymatgen
    • P4VASP
    • Pydft
    • Anaconda
    • Tool
  • Program (8)

    • Python

    • Bash

  • Developing (9)

    • Mymetal
  1. Thinking
  2. English
  3. Summary
  4. Research
  5. Theory
  6. Software
  7. Program
  8. Developing


  1. Thinking - Diary
  2. Thinking - Idea
  3. English - Life
  4. Summary - Other people blog
  5. Summary - My blog
  6. Summary - WeChat
  7. Summary - Literary - Intensive reading
  8. Summary - Literary - Skimming
  9. Research - The DFT calculation of Au thin film
  10. Theory - Quantum mechanics
  11. Software - VASP - Tips
  12. Software - VASP - Commands
  13. Software - VASP - Special functions
  14. Software - VASP - Theory
  15. Software - Lammps
  16. Software - ASE
  17. Software - Pymatgen
  18. Software - VASPKIT
  19. Software - P4VASP
  20. Software - Pydft
  21. Software - Anaconda
  22. Software - Tool
  23. Program - Python
  24. Program - Bash
  25. Developing - Mymetal

About everything needed to be included

Zhihu, github, Wechat, Notes, Tips,

计算化学公社, edge favorite, Supercomputer, hard disk

paper notebook

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