Tool - Proxy problem of copilot

  1. Ref:
  2. error
  3. 原因
  4. 使用

Children are what the mothers are.


Updated time: 01/23 2024.


  1. 怎么让vscode走代理?_vscode 设置代理-CSDN博客

  2. 在 Visual Studio Code (VS Code) 中设置-腾讯云开发者社区-腾讯云 (


Github 学生身份验证以后可以免费使用 copilot 插件。

在 vs code 上安装插件并登录以后,显示 error

Extension activation failed: "At this time, Copilot is not available in your location. You are currently logged in as XXX."


网络原因,中国和俄罗斯都被ban了。首先外部 vpn 软件已经连上了,然后还得设置vs code内部的代理。

 Now, It works. 
#    First, 
•    Press Win + I to open Settings.
•    Go to Network & Internet > Proxy.
•    If you're using a manual proxy, it will be listed here.
Address is, port is 7890

#    Second,
Configure Proxy in VS Code:
•    Open Visual Studio Code.
•    Go to Settings (File > Preferences > Settings or Ctrl + ,).
•    Search for proxy.
•    In the HTTP Proxy setting, input 
•    Set HTTP Proxy Support to override.

#    After restarting the software, the extension works!


ctrl+I 开启插件,这样才能自动补全。

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