Diary - Log

  1. For storing, recording my voice
    1. 2024
      1. November
      2. Octorber
      3. September
      4. August
      5. July
      6. June
      7. May
      8. April

Four eyes see more than two.


Updated time: 11/06 2024.

For storing, recording my voice



  • 2024.11.06


    构建了surface energy的工作流

    完善了 finprim.py/check_direction() ,新添了对 a0 对齐于 x 方向,右手坐标系,a3 方向朝上。并添加判断条件,防止除以 0.


  • 2024.10.31

    计算了 bulk 平衡晶格常数对应的 gamma line,并加在了图中

    阅读了 zqk 发的关于金 ISF 和温度关系的 Acta

    对两个超算系统都进行了脚本部署,并且用本地 git 的方式实现了多平台的同步。在本地平台,git pullall, git pushall. 在超算系统,pei_git_univ_push_all

  • 2024.10.30

    计算了 2.7/2.8/2.9 密排面晶格常数 FCC/HCP 的 gamma line

    创建了 my_plot.py ,可以熟练迅速的用 python 画图


    写了 gsfe_full_relax.sh, hcp_gsfe, gsfe_preliminary.

  • 2024.10.23


  • 2024.10.22


    创建了自己的脚本,resubmit_isym_0, clean_outcar


    创建了计算gamma line 的文件,熟悉了脚本,但是还没有计算

    安装了赵老师发的vaspkit pro

  • 2024.10.16

    用MD复现了tilted-cell method,计算层错能,但是面积部分并没有处理好,所以只是定性上是对的。



  • 2024.10.13





  • 2024.10.05


  • 2024.10.04


  • 2024.10.03


    写完了张通的Response letter关于我做的这部分


  • 2024.10.01

    复现了 Theoretical prediction of a phase transition in gold 中关于 HCP 和 FCC 在高压附近相变的结果

    和尹老师讨论了关于生长这部分 厚度/应变/界面 带来的影响该如何一步步算下去


  • 2024.09.30

    提交了大应变时 FCC/HCP 12 层的计算任务


  • 2024.09.21

    Engineering management assignment

    Move test.

    generate the final heterostructure, and at the begining of the structure optimization. Wish me luck.

  • 2024.09.20

    Add the docstring on the Mymetal/build/film/strtch.py

    Move test along with z-direction.

  • 2024.09.19

    generate the amorphous SiO2 using ReaxFF on Lammps.

    create a perfect pristine slab.

    try to relax pristine slab in DFT level, but failed because of the dangling bond.

    create python code to slice and passivate the surface according to the coordination number.

    After saturating the dangling bond, success to relax the hydroxylated slab in DFT level using less precise convergent criterion.

    Install the heater sample stage in Cypher AFM.

  • 2024.09.02

    generate the amorphous SiO2 using Tersoff potential function. (too many unexpected defects)

    check the mismatch < 5%

  • 2024.09.03

    group meeting.

    try to get a perfect slab, but there still has some unexpected defect, like Si-Si bond.

    have the dinner with roommates.

  • 2024.09.04

    try to get the ReaxFF potential function using by literature 《Dynamics of ultrathin gold layers on vitreous silica
    probed by density functional theory》.

    Online return registration on CSC / ZJU website.

    get the haircut.

    send the email to the author of the original ReaxFFSiO force field.

  • 2024.09.05

    get the updated force field SiOH.ff based on the original one.

    sort the favorite on the lammps page.

  • 2024.09.06



  • 2024.09.07

    Find English APP

    make a timetable about my doctor student’s plan

    go to the gym

  • 2024.09.08

    Find the appropriate Lammps package - lammps/intel18/20Sep2021

    sbatch the job


  • study the driver license.


  • Finish the diploma in the MAI and return to china.


  • 2024.06.24

    update hexo/tools-summary.

    update endnote literatures.

  • 2024.06.21

    fix error about my blog the main page.

    read literature 《Computational Approach for Epitaxial Polymorph Stabilization through Substrate Selection》

    read literature 《Zur algorithm, Lattice match: An application to heteroepitaxy》

    read literature 《High-throughput ab initio design of atomic interfaces using InterMatch》

  • 2024.06.19

    write the SI-MD/DFT for ZT’s essay

  • 2024.06.10

    delete the GSFE- it’s wrong.

    try to calculate the confusion matrix

    try to train all the classification model

  • 2024.06.05

    calculate the MD of 8-layer gold flake nanoindentation.

    draw the figure about GSFE / nanoindentation

    start the job of ML

    analysis the dislocation under nanoindentation.


  • 2024.05.23

    Try to install mymetal/hetbuilder package in supercomputer, but failed

  • 2024.05.21

    Install the HDF5 support (zlib, szip, hdf5) for VASP 6.3.2 on Debian 12.5 and Supercomputer, for using py4vasp package.

  • 2024.05.17

    install the p4vasp using apt-get.

  • 2024.05.16

    The cubic heterostructure (123 atoms) has too more mismatch (>6%)

    And I select the non-cubic heterostructure (420 atoms) and lower mismatch (<5%)

    And then submit the job.

    Although it doesn’t convergent, more stable than cubic one.

    Fix error about filtering the result according to mismatch/strain.

  • 2024.05.02

    find a cubic heterostructure not big mismatch and not large system.

    read the chapter 2 and 3 of DFT practical.

    reading the chapter 4.


  • 2024.04.29

    MD of GSFE calculation

    introduce a mechanics parameters to evaluate the max stretch of thin film.

    storing the Endnote library

    install the VASP 6.3.2, LAMMPS 2023, VASPKIT, ATOMKIT on Debian 12.5.

    Deal with all WeiXin messages.

    Talk with ZhangTong (Tencent meeting)

  • 2024.04.07
    Pyenv hetbuilder
    git, cmake, …

  • 2024.04.08
    vs code
    .bashrc file
    add git alias
    git PJ_advanced_reasearch

  • 2024.04.09
    create a new env for mymetal contained myalloy, hetbuilder, py4vasp
    create a environment about requirement.txt

  • 2024.04.10
    understand the workflow of hetbuilder
    add the find_hetero, construct_hetero
    test_weight for hetbuilder

  • 2024.04.21

    have genegrated many hetero-structure

    update the baidu cloud, github

    construct the mymetal package (update calmismatch, add the rst file)

    back up my endnote library. (It’s important to back up files for researchers.)

  • 2024.04.23

    create and check the function to calculate the strain matrix and filter the results. (Now, it’s only calculated the film strain, maybe next time, I’ll correct it.)

Please indicate the source when reprinting. Please verify the citation sources in the article and point out any errors or unclear expressions.