He knows most who speaks least.
Updated time: 03/28 2025.
About Mymetal
Please read this page first, here are the install methods using python supported by some dependent packages.
It’s a package for DFT calculations specially of thin metal film supported or not.
Focus on some functions
The initial reason of constructing this package is better understanding the DFT or VASP, and how to generate the irreducible K-points.
To solve this question, we need to …
convert from real space to momentum / reciprocal space (has been done using Matlab)
generate reducible K-points (has been done using Matlab)
- identify the symmetry of model
- generate irreducible K-points
And then, I should use python to execute postprocess for output file.
Based on the below reason, the main function is (although not be fully developed):
- generate film
- unixial / bixial stretch film
- add hydroxylated atoms: OH, H, any molecular
- construct the heterostructure
- convert model : primitive cell <<==>> conventional cell
postprocess: grep something from OUTCAR
Some fixing error and unfilled code
fixing error please see another blog Mymetal/error
- for filter the strain matrix, the bottom layer didn’t be considered
unfilled code
root/create_package.py generate the structure of package
Work logs
03/28 2025.
- 用ovito渲染图片
- 新建了
,结构更加合理 - 实现了colorbar的精确绘制
02/28 2025.
- 进一步修复了
无法修改已生成图像中线条/legend/grid的bug - 新增
使得添加辅助线更方便 - 修复了
函数对没有line label但是有legend的二次绘制,并与没有legend没有label的band plot区分开来
02/26 2025.
完善了对其他包已绘制的图形进行自定义修改,使得和我自己画的图一致- 改进了
使得模块化组成 oldplotdos.py
中针对 Total dos, partial dos, Idos 的自定义绘制,丰富了我对DOS的理解
11/28 2024.
plot.py my_plot() my_plot_breakaxes() my_plot_energy_components() my_plot_dos()
11/06 2024.
,新添了对 a0 对齐于 x 方向,右手坐标系,a3 方向朝上。并添加判断条件,防止除以 0.创建了
repository, 用于工作流构建和批量后处理.
10/21 2024.
- 修复了
函数对于Cartesian坐标系输出的错误,需要除以lattice factor
.(原版的ASE是默认为1).而 direct 的输出是没有问题的,因为在读入时,Direct 坐标乘以cell(lattice factor * cell_original)
, Cartesian 坐标乘以 lattice factor.
10/09 2024.
- 完善了拉伸薄膜的
中关于三维拉伸 list 的应用,扩展了针对 a1, a2, a3 轴的拉伸 - 现在可用于固定体积的拉伸(bulk/film)。 - 在
中添加了关于拉伸前后盒子尺寸的变化,以及如何改变以实现体积恒定。 - 另外
方法无法对HCP结构生成 cubic 形状,这不影响切面。
09/21 2024.
- Take the
ase/build/supercell.py/get_deviation_from_optimal_cell_shape() find_optimal_cell_shape()
function tofind_cubic.py
09/20 2024.
- Add the docstring on the
09/19 2024.
- add functions
, more general according to the coordination number, integrate theASE/add_adsorbate
function for molecular or other Atoms object. - Attach the example of this function.
- Next:
- maybe we can control the rotational angle of the molecular, but I think it’s not important.
06/06 2024.
- add
to transform 3-index to 4-index, reverse is also. - to use
dxa analysis
of ovito package, we need update ovito from 3.9.6 to 3.10.6 - add
universal/plot plot.p
y, but it didn’t be filled
05/17 2024.
- fix error about strain matrix mismatch that only considering the mismatch of top layer.
- change the
function to more stable, (useAse/add_adsorbate
function) , and every_change tag to get the more complicated model.
04/23 2024.
fix the error of
hetbuilder command line too
l (the weight parameter doesn’t work)using
hetbuilder python API
to generate the heterostructures and plot.- filter the results according to
lattice constant mismatch
orstrain matrix mismatch
(more stable and strict). Those two criterion only same when on cubic cell. - add the doc file (10%, not full)
- integrate the function to calulation of
continuum mechanics
(deformation matrix, strain, von-mises strain, principle strain ...)
before 03/30 2024.
- add functions (
hydroxylated / stretch/ post
) and text them, success! Congratulations! - Next:
- add function to [`plot the FBZ`](http://staff.ustc.edu.cn/~zqj/posts/howto-plot-brillouin-zone/)
- search for the heterostructure contained film and substrate
- compared `add_hydroxylated function` and [`add_adsorbate`](https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/ase/tutorials/db/db.html) function, maybe we can combine them to achieve the goal that adsorb the molecular to substrate. Now we only could adsorb H atom to them.
04/02 2024.
- Please add the
Pymatgen package
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